HTML & CSS Tip of the Week

The :empty pseudo-class

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We can use the :empty pseudo-class as a way to style elements on your webpage that are empty.

You might wonder why you’d want to style something that’s empty. Let’s say you’re creating a todo list.

You want to put your todo items in a list, but what about when you don’t have any items in your list yet?

That’s where :empty can help.

ul.todo-list:empty {
  display: none; /* The list won't be rendered on the page */

There is a bit of a catch - :empty is pretty strict about what it considers “empty.” Even a single space or line break will make it so your element is no longer empty. For example:

<!-- This is empty! -->

<div> </div>
<!-- Not empty (has a space) -->

<!-- Still empty! Comments don't count -->

The spec has been updated so those examples should all count as empty, but so far, no browsers have implemented this yet.

It’s particularly handy for data-driven layouts where you might have optional content. Like if you’re displaying user profiles and some fields might be blank, you can use :empty to handle those cases gracefully instead of showing empty boxes everywhere.

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